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Affiliate Disclosure

Last updated on July 15th, 2023 at 08:36 am

To facilitate an informed decision-making process, Tastypizza is dedicated to providing a Compensation Disclosure that serves to safeguard your interests.

Our primary objective is to establish transparency regarding any associations between our product or service recommendations and their respective owners.

As proud affiliates of Amazon, we are eligible to earn a commission from qualifying purchases. offers impartial and high-quality reviews and comparisons, aiming to assist you in making well-informed purchasing decisions.

Our affiliations with merchants allow us to generate revenue for our website, without imposing any additional costs or exerting any influence on our customers. Our sole focus is to prioritize your best interests.

When a purchase is made through one of the merchant links, we do receive a modest percentage as part of this process. We extend our sincere gratitude for your support, which enables us to continue our work diligently.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

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